Believe it or not, Peter Andre and I are kindred spirits. No, I have never been close to Katie Price’s boobs. No, I have never stood in the sea splashing water on mahogany-coloured abs and, no, I’m not clear on the definition of insania. But we have both been on the case of bad boyfriends.
Peter was in a (ahem, short-lived) show called Peter Andre’s Bad Boyfriend Club on ITV2. Um, hello? Did we sync brains? Are we long-lost twins? (This is taking the leap of faith that good old Pete had something to do in creating the show. Ahem.) I had the idea for my novel about 3 years ago so I’d just like to set the record straight: Pete, I totally got there first.
But I love the idea of Pete making over useless blokes. Love it. I wonder if he used some of the same methods my character Molly does, in her bad boyfriends bootcamp service? She decodes dating website descriptions for the guys (having a woman write your My Single Friend profile is the BIGGEST no-no, as it blatantly screams secret crush on either side; if you go on and on about your world travels she’ll assume you’ll commit for roughly 7 minutes); she gets her best mate Rachael to give them fashion advice (no track suits, ever, but lots of v-neck jumpers and shirts rolled up to the elbows. Grrrrr) and learning how to ask questions and remember the answers (what she does, what her sister’s name is, whether she eats carbs as you serve her lasagna and garlic bread…). It’s basic stuff, but pretty important.
In all honesty, there could be worse good boyfriend tutors that Pete. He always seem patient, sweet and funny (although the cheese level of his humour is sometimes worrying) and clearly a very good dad. Not strictly my type – those abs freak me out – but if he’s battling lazy, messy, unromantic boyfriends, he’s a legend in my books. God speed, Pete!